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Nokia Parking House Säterinportti


Graphic Concrete Nokia Parking House Säterinportti

Parking House Säterinportti is one of the earliest Graphic Concrete projects. Looking at the parking garage at the old Nokia head office today, it looks perhaps even better than it did 2006 when it was built. The passing of time can be detected only in the marks left by the creeper vines on the wood latticework next to the concrete surfaces. The Graphic Concrete pattern remains as clear as ever.

Architecture: Larkas & Laine
Color: Light
Pattern: GC-Collection™ Vertices
Developer: Rakennusosakeyhtiö Hartela
Prefabrication: Parma Oy
Address: Linnoitustie 6, Espoo, Finland
Type: Parking Structure
Year: 2007
Photo: Tomi Parviainen, Graphic Concrete